Today’s business leaders are facing unprecedented challenges as they navigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. More than ever, companies need to be able to rapidly respond to ongoing uncertainty to ensure they retain their competitive advantage.
To enable this, companies are turning to Airshot, an innovative digital solution that boosts engagement and productivity across a company’s value chain. Claire Storm, Co-founder and Director for Airshot says it is an agile broadcast platform that drives engagement and changes behaviour in order to deliver results.
“Airshot is a catalyst for change that can be used by any business,” Claire explains.
While the platform is accessible via a mobile or web app, it is far more than just an app. It is a highly targeted participation-based tool that makes campaigns, incentives and performance analytics easily accessible to users and campaign creators.
“Airshot puts you in the pockets of the people who are driving your sales – whether that’s your own employees or people in your value chain networks,” Claire explains. “The platform digitally enables ecosystems that can catalyse growth and enable rapid adoption by delivering personalised, relevant and time sensitive information so that your sales force, retail channel or call centre can be more effective in meeting their targets and adding to your bottom line.”
Communication on one centralised platform has never been more important. With work from home, remote and hybrid work strategies now the norm, Airshot ensures that your people and network still feel they are part of a community, even from the comfort of their couch. It connects people to the working world and gives them the opportunity to track their performance against deliverables.
“While it is a work tool, Airshot appeals to our competitive nature as it drives active participation through gamification. To earn rewards, users take part in various activities such as surveys, events, discussions and more – giving the participants the opportunity to engage, be heard and build their skills and knowledge,” Claire explains.
She says that whilst Airshot is not unique in this functionality, but what truly differentiates the platform is its ability to segment and target audiences.
“Airshot delivers the information that each audience needs when they need it. Your campaign can be broadcast to your entire audience or tailored messaging can be deployed to smaller groups. And as security and privacy are integral to the platform, performance insights are available at an individual level too,” she explains.
A great example of this is Airshot’s leaderboard functionality. “Leaderboards drive enthusiastic engagement in any sales space and for campaigns such as retail incentives, they allow your brand stand out in a cluttered marketplace,” Claire says.
“Store owners eagerly check on their ranking to show where they are placed against their competitors. But as this is a shared space, the leaderboards are customised to display limited information. With one swipe however, the store owner can view his store’s performance in a private screen that only he can access.”
These targeted, segmented insights are also relevant for corporates. “At an executive level you may be chasing a five-year growth strategy with actionable milestones. Your call centre agent is well versed on the strategy but her actionable goal is to deliver five more sales each week,” says Claire. “Airshot not only provides a multi-media platform to communicate and reinforce the strategy, real time analytics are tailored to ensure that the executive, management, team leaders and the agent have the relevant insights they need to measure performance against the defined targets.”
Airshot’s ability to target audiences and tailor analytics is proving to be a gamechanger for many top companies. “We are constantly adding new functionality in order to ensure that Airshot continues to provide an agile solution that drives growth and ultimately, helps every single person we engage with maximise their potential.”
Sam Watt Marketing